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“💦” މާނަ: sweat droplets Emoji

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💦 މާނަ އަދި ތަޢާރަފު
Water Drop 💦 This emoji represents a water drop, and is often used to represent sweat 😓, tears 😢, or water. It is often used in situations where you are sweating or crying. It is used when sweating after exercise or expressing emotional moments.

ㆍRelated emojis 😓 sweating face, 😢 crying face, 💧 water droplets

Water drop emoji | sweat emoji | tears emoji | wet emoji | excited emoji | rain emoji
💦 ބައްދަލުކުރަން މިވަގުތައް
ㆍI sweated a lot after exercising💦
ㆍThat story brought tears to my eyes💦
ㆍIt was so hot that I was sweating💦

💦 އެމޯޖިއްޔާ އަދި އެއްމީ އެމޯޖިއްޔާ
💦 އައްތަރާފް
Emoji: 💦
ކުރި ނަމަ:sweat droplets
އެޕަލް ނަމަ:water droplets
ކޯޑް ޕޮއިންޓް:U+1F4A6 ކޮޕީ
ކެޓެގަރީ:😂 Smileys & Emotion
ސަބްކެޓެގަރީ:💋 emotion
ކީވޯޑް:comic | splashing | sweat | sweat droplets
Water drop emoji | sweat emoji | tears emoji | wet emoji | excited emoji | rain emoji
ބަދަލުކުރަން 23
😅 grinning face with sweat ކޮޕީ
🤧 sneezing face ކޮޕީ
🥵 hot face ކޮޕީ
😓 downcast face with sweat ކޮޕީ
😭 loudly crying face ކޮޕީ
😰 anxious face with sweat ކޮޕީ
💨 dashing away ކޮޕީ
raised fist ކޮޕީ
🛀 person taking bath ކޮޕީ
🍑 peach ކޮޕީ
🍆 eggplant ކޮޕީ
🏩 love hotel ކޮޕީ
umbrella with rain drops ކޮޕީ
🌊 water wave ކޮޕީ
💧 droplet ކޮޕީ
🔫 water pistol ކޮޕީ
👙 bikini ކޮޕީ
💉 syringe ކޮޕީ
🩸 drop of blood ކޮޕީ
🚿 shower ކޮޕީ
🛁 bathtub ކޮޕީ
🚰 potable water ކޮޕީ
🚱 non-potable water ކޮޕީ
💦 އެދި ބައެއްކުރާ ބަޔަކަށް
ބަޔަކުރި ނަމަ & ލިންކް
العربية 💦 عرق يتصبب
Azərbaycan 💦 tər damcıları
Български 💦 капки пот
বাংলা 💦 ঘামের ফোঁটা
Bosanski 💦 kapljice znoja
Čeština 💦 kapky potu
Dansk 💦 sveddråber
Deutsch 💦 Schweißtropfen
Ελληνικά 💦 σταγόνες ιδρώτα
English 💦 sweat droplets
Español 💦 gotas de sudor
Eesti 💦 higipiisad
فارسی 💦 قطره‌های عرق
Suomi 💦 hikipisarat
Filipino 💦 mga patak ng pawis
Français 💦 gouttes de sueur
עברית 💦 טיפות זיעה
हिन्दी 💦 पसीने की बूंदें
Hrvatski 💦 kapljice znoja
Magyar 💦 izzadságcseppek
Bahasa Indonesia 💦 keringat
Italiano 💦 gocce di sudore
日本語 💦 あせあせ
ქართველი 💦 ოფლის წვეთები
Қазақ 💦 тер тамшылары
한국어 💦 땀
Kurdî 💦 xwêdan
Lietuvių 💦 prakaito lašeliai
Latviešu 💦 sviedru lāses
Bahasa Melayu 💦 titis peluh
ဗမာ 💦 ချွေးစက်များ
Bokmål 💦 svettedråper
Nederlands 💦 zweetdruppels
Polski 💦 krople potu
پښتو 💦 خوله
Português 💦 pingos de suor
Română 💦 picături de transpirație
Русский 💦 капли пота
سنڌي 💦 پسڻ
Slovenčina 💦 kvapky potu
Slovenščina 💦 potne kapljice
Shqip 💦 pika djerse
Српски 💦 капљице зноја
Svenska 💦 stänkande svett
ภาษาไทย 💦 เหงื่อหยด
Türkçe 💦 ter damlası
Українська 💦 краплі поту
اردو 💦 پسینہ
Tiếng Việt 💦 giọt mồ hôi
简体中文 💦 汗滴
繁體中文 💦 出汗