“🫱🏽🫲🏿” Znaczenie: handshake: medium skin tone, dark skin tone Emoji
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🫱🏽🫲🏿 Znaczenie i opis
Medium skin tone right hand and dark skin tone left hand shaking hands🫱🏽🫲🏿This emoji depicts a medium skin tone right hand and a dark skin tone left hand holding hands, and is often used to express cooperation🤝, agreement👍, or promise. It is often used to indicate business transactions or friendship. It is used to express cooperation or agreement.
ㆍRelated emojis 🤝 handshake, ✋ palm, 👋 hand wave
ㆍRelated emojis 🤝 handshake, ✋ palm, 👋 hand wave
Brown skin tone hand emoji | black skin tone hand emoji | shaking hands emoji | symbol of unity emoji | diversity emoji | cooperation emoji
🫱🏽🫲🏿 Przykłady i użycie
ㆍLet's work together🫱🏽🫲🏿
ㆍIt's a good negotiation🫱🏽🫲🏿
ㆍReady to cooperate🫱🏽🫲🏿
ㆍIt's a good negotiation🫱🏽🫲🏿
ㆍReady to cooperate🫱🏽🫲🏿
🫱🏽🫲🏿 Emotikony w mediach społecznościowych
🫱🏽🫲🏿 Podstawowe informacje
Emoji: | 🫱🏽🫲🏿 |
Krótka nazwa: | handshake: medium skin tone, dark skin tone |
Punkt kodu: | U+1FAF1 1F3FD 200D 1FAF2 1F3FF Kopiuj |
Kategoria: | 👌 People & Body |
Podkategoria: | 🤝 hands |
Słowo kluczowe: | agreement | dark skin tone | hand | handshake | medium skin tone | meeting | shake |
Brown skin tone hand emoji | black skin tone hand emoji | shaking hands emoji | symbol of unity emoji | diversity emoji | cooperation emoji |