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“🫀” Meaning: anatomical heart Emoji

Home > People & Body > body-parts

🫀 Meaning and Description
Heart🫀This emoji represents a heart and is mainly used to express love❤️, emotions💔, or health. It is often used when talking about love, health, or emotions. It is used to express love and emotions.

ㆍRelated emojis ❤️ heart, 💔 broken heart, 🩺 stethoscope

Heart emoji | human organ emoji | love emoji | emotion emoji | blood circulation emoji | life emoji
🫀 Examples and Usage
ㆍI love you🫀
ㆍMy heart is beating🫀
ㆍLet’s take care of your health🫀

🫀 Emoji Of Social Media
🫀 Information
Emoji: 🫀
Short Name:anatomical heart
Code Point:U+1FAC0 COPY
Category1:👌 People & Body
Category2:👃 body-parts
Keyword:anatomical | cardiology | heart | organ | pulse
Heart emoji | human organ emoji | love emoji | emotion emoji | blood circulation emoji | life emoji
See Also 11
💓 beating heart COPY
💔 broken heart COPY
💖 sparkling heart COPY
💜 purple heart COPY
🤍 white heart COPY
raised fist COPY
👨‍⚕️ man health worker COPY
👩‍⚕️ woman health worker COPY
💑 couple with heart COPY
🏥 hospital COPY
🚑 ambulance COPY